10 Amazing And Crazy Facts About Tigers

1. Tigers are the largest among other wild cats: Male Royal Bengal Tigers weigh up to 300 kilograms.
2. A punch from a Tiger can kill an adult human: One swipe from a Tiger's front hand is enough to kill a person.
3. Tigers are nocturnal animals: They prefer engaging in most of their hunting activities at night.
4. Tiger cubs are born blind and only half of the cubs survive: Tiger cubs only follow the scent of their mother.
5. Tigers love to swim and play in the water: They are excellent swimmers and can kill in the water.
6. Tigers live for about 25 years: The average life expectancy of Tigers is between 20-25 years.
7. Tigers can mate with other big cats: Tigers can mate with other big cats like female lion.
8. Tigers have antiseptic saliva: This helps them to avoid infections in their wounds and bruises.
9. Tigers can run at over 60 kmph: Tigers have very strong legs and it makes them run at 60 kilometres per hour.
10. Tigers prefer to hunt by ambush: Tigers, due to their stripe camouflage, hide and attack their victim from behind.


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