12 indications from psychology suggest that excessive productivity may be causing exhaustion

1. Obsessive focus on work even during leisure time can lead to workaholism.

2. Persistent fatigue, regardless of rest, indicates potential burnout.

3. Diminished enthusiasm for once-loved activities may result from prolonged stress.

4. Difficulty concentrating is a common symptom of burnout, impacting performance.

5. Increased irritability is a sign of mental and emotional strain.

6. Physical symptoms such as headaches and muscle tension may signal excessive stress.

7. Social withdrawal due to prioritizing work can strain relationships.

8. Perfectionism can lead to heightened stress and anxiety.

9. Overworking often correlates with persistent anxiety.

10. Forgetfulness can impair both personal and professional life.

11. Exhaustion can lead to impulsive decision-making.

12. Neglecting relationships due to work commitments can cause strain.

Recognizing these signs is crucial for achieving a balanced life and seeking help when needed to ensure overall well-being and fulfillment.


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